
Corpus Christi Athletic Boosters

The Corpus Christi Athletic Boosters exist to support our athletic programs through fund-raising, selling gate tickets and concessions. The Boosters run the scoreboards and score table for every home game we host. We also host annual sports banquets to recognize our student athletes. Every parent that has a Corpus Christi Athlete is automatically enrolled in the Boosters organization. It is mandatory that each parent supports the Boosters through volunteering.

Booster Parent Agreement 


Corpus Christi offers a no-pay to play Athletic Program. Our budget covers the cost for uniforms, game balls, sporting equipment, painting of soccer and baseball fields, fees for referees, and GRACEAC league fees.

Fund-raising is a necessity to ensure the costs of our athletic programs are covered. The Annual Crusader Toss and Children’s Raffle during Catholic Schools Week are the two largest fundraisers we host to cover costs.


The Corpus Christi Athletic Boosters meets as needed at the school from September through May during the Corpus Christi School year. All are welcome.

2021-2022 Boosters

Committee Chair:

  • Mindi DeSanctis

Athletic Directors:

  • Raul Alonzo

Committee Members:

  • Joe Ysasi
  • Tim Marroquin
  • Jill Struer
  • Alma Benavidez-Alonzo
  • Sarah Kimes
  • Your name here!

Would you like to join the Boosters Committee?  We would love your help!  Please contact the school office. 616-796-2300 Email: